Create and sell your own e-courses to Make Money Online - tips make money | make money online tips and tricks

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Create and sell your own e-courses to Make Money Online

 If you want to make money online, one of the most common ways is to create and sell your own e-courses.

You can create a course on anything you're passionate about, whether it's something as simple as how to make a cup of tea or maybe something more in-depth like how to start a business.

The first step is to choose a topic that appeals to you. You can use Google's Keyword Planner tool to find out what people are typing into Google when they search for related terms.

Once you've decided on a topic, write an outline of what the course will include. You don't need to be an expert at everything—just choose topics that interest you!

Then write out all the steps and lessons that need to be covered so that when someone buys your course, they'll walk away with all the information they need.

Finally, decide how much each lesson should cost. Keep in mind that if people buy multiple lessons from you instead of just one big course, the price per lesson should go down because they already paid for those lessons once before! So if it costs $50 per lesson, but there are five lessons in total at $20 each...

A great way to start making money online is by creating and selling your own e-courses. 

You can create an e-course that teaches people how to do things like:

-How to write a resume or cover letter

-How to build a website

-How to use social media for business purposes

-And more!

E-courses are one of the easiest ways to make money online. They're also one of the most effective.

Creating an e-course is simple: all you need is a high-quality course and some knowledge about how to market it. 

If you have a passion for something or have experience with a particular topic, you can use this knowledge to create an e-course that will help others learn what you know.

To market your e-course, you'll need to find a platform that allows you to sell your products and services directly on their website or mobile app. 

You'll also need to choose an audience who will benefit from your product/service—in other words, who will buy your product/service! There are many platforms out there that allow you to do this—but here are some suggestions:

* Udemy ( ) - Udemy is one of the largest platforms for self-starters looking to start their own businesses and earn passive income from selling courses online; they offer over 2 million courses & 23000+ teachers within their network today! Their courses feature everything from writing & publishing books, coding

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